Friday, 1 October 2021

ThAct : Cultural Studies : Media, Power and Truly Educated Person

 This activity is a part of my academic writing....

Cultural Studies

Cultural studies is a field of theoretically, politically, and empirically engaged cultural analysis that concentrates upon the political dynamics of contemporary culture, its historical foundations, defining traits, conflicts, and contingencies. Cultural studies researchers generally investigate how cultural practices relate to wider systems of power associated with or operating through social phenomena, such as ideologyclass structuresnational formationsethnicitysexual orientationgender, and generation. Cultural studies views cultures not as fixed, bounded, stable, and discrete entities, but rather as constantly interacting and changing sets of practices and processes. The field of cultural studies encompasses a range of theoretical and methodological perspectives and practices. Although distinct from the discipline of cultural anthropology and the interdisciplinary field of ethnic studies, cultural studies draws upon and has contributed to each of these fields.

Your understanding in power of cultural studies? 

Cultural distinctions make groups unique, but they also provide a social structure for creating and ranking cultures based on similarities or differences. A cultural group’s size and strength influences their power over a region, area, or other groups. Cultural power lends itself to social power that influences people’s lives by controlling the prevailing norms or rules and making individuals adhere to the dominant culture voluntarily or involuntarily.

👉 What is the relationship between knowledge and power?

Knowledge is not independent of the individuals who hold it ; it is a product of power relationships. According to Lubit (2001), knowledge is the base of power and respect ; what often lead people to hesitate to share knowledge because they fear a decrease of their power.

👉 Michel Foucault's Knowledge and Power

postmodernist, has been hugely influential in shaping understandings of power, leading away from the analysis of actors who use power as an instrument of coercion, and even away from the discreet structures in which those actors operate, toward the idea that ‘power is everywhere’, diffused and embodied in discourse, knowledge and ‘regimes of truth’ (Foucault 1991; Rabinow 1991). Power for Foucault is what makes us what we are, operating on a quite different level from other theories:

His work marks a radical departure from previous modes of conceiving power and cannot be easily integrated with previous ideas, as power is diffuse rather than concentrated, embodied and enacted rather than possessed, discursive rather than purely coercive, and constitutes agents rather than being deployed by them’ 

👉Why media studies are so important in our digital culture ?

Like literature, because the media are major sources of modern culture and entertainment. Like literature, because the media require us to learn and use critical thinking skills. Like family studies, because the media determine much of our cultural diet and weave part of the fabric of our lives.

👉 In context of post truth

Due to the developments in information technologies in the last 20 years, social media is frequently used especially for mobile devices for news announcement and follow-up.  In this study, it is tried to investigate how the post-truth concept which the Oxford Dictionary has chosen as the word of the year in 2016 in social media. By using keywords such as "post-truth", "fake or false news", "access to accurate information" and "the diffusion of social media use" in the literature of "Information and Records Management", "Management Information Systems" and "Media and Communication" in international databases and journals; content analysis was performed. At the end of the study, the implications of the institutions that developed various strategies to avoid such news and information were included.

Who can be considered as Truly Educated Person ?

 A person may be considered to be educated if he develops his knowledge and skills in such a way which ultimately results into his positive contribution in community life. Acquiring knowledge and using it for the happiness and goodness of the society really makes a person educated.An educated person isrational and reasonable. He has the ability to reason analytically and critically. He has the ability to think clearly and independently and has good judgment. He knows how to acquire knowledge and skills and make productive use of it.

Thank you...

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