Saturday 29 May 2021

Auden's poem

Hello readers...

This blog is in response of the thinking activity given to us on the Auden's poem which is a part if our academic writing and it is given below...

1.) Which lines of september 1,1939' you liked the most?why?

I  the most important message of this poem which is based on September 11939 the day on which   Nazi Germany invaded Poland, causing the outbreak of the Second World War.

The poem deliberately echoes the stanza form of W. B. Yeats's "Easter, 1916", another poem about an important historical event; like Yeats' poem, Auden's moves from a description of historical failures and frustrations to a possible transformation in the present or future.

Until the two final stanzas, the poem briefly describes the social and personal pathology that has brought about the outbreak of war: first the historical development of Germany "from Lutheruntil now", next the internal conflicts in every individual person that correspond to the external conflicts of the war. Much of the language and content of the poem echoes that of C.G. Jung's Psychology and Religion (1938).

The final two stanzas shift radically in tone and content, turning to the truth that the poet can tell, "We must love one another or die," and to the presence in the world of "the Just" who exchange messages of hope. The poem ends with the hope that the poet, like "the Just", can "show an affirming flame" in the midst of the disaster.

2.) What is so special about "In memory of W . B Yeats" ?

In Memory of W. B. Yeats' by W. H. Auden (1907-73) was written in 1939, following the death of the Irish poetW. B. Yeats in January of that year.As well as being an elegy for the dead poet, 'In Memory of W. B. Yeats' is also a meditation on the role and place of poetry in the modern world.Auden taps into themes of life after death, the power of poetry, and the human condition. The powerful and wide-ranging themes are discussed within the context ofYeats' life and death.Auden uses an exacting tone and direct language to depict the events around Yeat's death.

3.) Is there any contemporary relevance of" Epitaph on a Tyrant" ?

I had  red 'Epitaph on a Tyrant' here, before proceeding to our short analysis of this powerful poem that remains all too relevant today. It is the pandemic which is tyrant now a days.people are suffering from it and now we are having 3 new diseases and we can say symptoms and that are black fungus,white and white fungus too.

Thank you...

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